Regular attendance is important for all children, however children who are unwell recover best at home.

Requests cannot be made for children to remain indoors for the day, so please be considerate of the other children and staff. Please do not send your child to the Early Learning Centre if they have a bad cold, as it is easily spread to other members of the group.

If your child has an infectious disease, please let us know, so we can inform you of the length of time your child is required to stay at home. If your child has an ongoing condition or allergy it is important for us to be aware of this in order to provide the best possible care.


Under the ‘No Jab, No Play’ Legislation, all parents/guardians seeking to enrol their child at an early childhood service in Victoria are required to provide evidence that their child is:

  • Fully immunised for their age or
  • On a vaccination catch-up program or
  • Unable to be fully immunised for medical reasons.

NB: ‘Conscientious Objection’ will not be an exemption. Homeopathic immunisation will not be recognised as a form of immunisation.


If your child requires medication during the Early Learning Centre day you are obliged to provide this medication and to give written permission in the Accident/Illness/Medication Record. If you do not sign the record we will telephone you for verbal permission, which will be verified by another staff member, otherwise we are legally unable to administer medication.

We do not provide paracetamol for children, so please consider whether your child will be comfortable at the Early Learning Centre if they do require medication for illness.

If your child has any medical requirements, including anaphylaxis or asthma, an action plan from your family doctor must be provided to be kept with the children’s records and you are required to meet with your child’s teacher, prior to attending, to complete the risk management action and communication plans. This is a Department of Education and Early Childhood requirement.