The ubiquitous and pervasive nature of our digital world has polarising effects on many in our community. There are those who are open and willing to embrace technology and others who don’t understand it and fear it – wherever you sit on this spectrum, the reality is that technology is here to stay.

However, we don’t say this flippantly. We understand that technology is constantly evolving and the ability to protect our privacy and information appears increasingly complex, with a whole new language within the IT world, including such things as trolling and phishing. However, on the other side of this equation there are sound educational benefits to using technology – we have learning tools at our disposal 24/7 and a moral obligation to support our young people become adept and confident using technology.

As a community, we need to ensure that all forms of technology are accessed and managed in an appropriate manner and that young people are equipped to make prudent choices around its use.

All new Year 7 students are immersed in a Digital Literacy Day, where they build the skills to access their devices and the programs that they need to use at school, as well as learn about the responsibilities that come with using technology.

As part of our ‘Growing Up Digital’ program, we expect students to think critically, behave safely and participate responsibly when using technology, and we work with parents to ensure a positive school/home partnership.

The Digital Literacy Day also focuses on developing technical skills, building young people’s understanding of digital citizenship and understanding the school ICT Agreement. We encourage parents to access the parent sections of Common Sense Media and the Federal eSafety Commissioner to further support what they learn at school and to help families navigate technology in the home.

Here are some student reflections from the Digital Literacy Day:

 It was very helpful and I have learned things that will help me for years! Natasha

It was all interesting and it helped me with things that I would have never known. Ryan

The program was well-suited to most of our abilities and comprehension skills. Laura

The Mac Hacks were really useful and our teacher was fun. Charlie