
Year 11

Rose is an optimistic and persistent individual who approaches challenges with a healthy, competitive energy and is exploring the role of play in education. Rose develops her understanding through hands-on experiences in the field, observing and working with a variety of students and teachers. Through developing views on different learning styles and pedagogies, she is challenging the issues within the education system by prioritising play as the new normal in education. Rose wishes to expand play-based learning beyond the younger year levels, designing a new way for future generations to learn. She believes students need to have more access to creative opportunities and can achieve this through play. Rose is designing a new timetable for primary students by challenging assumptions. A systems-thinking lens allows Rose to also look for changes in how time can be better spent in the senior levels.  Design Futures 100 has allowed and encouraged Rose to find her passion and think critically, systematically and creatively to design solutions to identified problems.

Rose’s experience in Design Futures 100 has helped her to uncover her own ‘smarts’. As a student who often thinks outside the box, Design Futures has helped her to find a place where her learning can be about and for herself – not a score based on her capacity to meet the demands of a standardised rubric. Through this realisation, her learning and confidence has flourished to the point where she wants to continue to be a change-maker in education so that others may also experience this exponential growth in learning.

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